1 in 3 American adults has prediabetes – Which means they are on the road to developing type 2 diabetes. Worse yet, 90% of them don’t know they are at risk, which means they are not taking steps that could prevent or delay diabetes.
From the American Diabetes Associaction – November 2017
Chances are someone you love or someone you know has diabetes. Or possibly you are diabetic. Here are some quick tips for living well with diabetes:
• Eat smart – Consider what you are eating. Stick with whole grain products over high processed carbs. Choose fish, poultry, nuts, beans and non-starchy vegetables instead of red or processed meat. Hello fiber! 20-35 grams a day is recommended. Drink water. Lots of water. Tea and coffee are great too when unsweetened and without cream. Skip the sugary drinks, including juice.
• Lose the extra weight – Excess weight is the leading cause of type 2 diabetes. Losing just 10% of your weight can cut your chances of developing the disease by 50%.
• Start moving – A sedentary lifestyle promotes the onset of type 2 diabetes. Start working your muscles, just a little works! In fact, long sweaty exercise sessions aren’t necessary to reap benefits. Strength training lowers glucose levels and helps transport glucose from the blood to the muscles more efficiently, requiring less insulin to do this. The muscles can use the glucose as energy, much better than letting that glucose collect in blood at high levels! Just 20 minutes of strength training a day plus a 10 minute walk each day after dinner to help digest your meal – You will see a great change in your diabetic health!
• Self-monitor – Check your blood sugars. More often than once or twice a day. Keep a journal of your findings. Look for patterns. You may discover that you tend to run higher blood sugars at certain times of the day consistently, but never would have realized this if you hadn’t been checking your blood sugars and logging your results. If you are a type 1 diabetic, multiple blood sugar tests are recommended. Long-term effects of high blood sugars can lead to complications.
• Walk this way – Your feet are a priority, so treat them well. Wear well-fitted, breathable shoes and avoid walking barefoot. Keep the skin soft and smooth. See your Dr. for ingrown nails. Have your feet checked annually.
• Kumbayah- Stress greatly affects blood sugar levels, causing them to elevate. Stress is unavoidable, especially with a disease. There are many options to help reduce stress. Exercise is one option. Physical activity helps release those wonderful endorphins! Whether it’s group exercise or punching a heavy bag at the gym, you’ll feel much better. Talking to someone is another great option, as is meditation. Sometimes we need to take on less, clear our schedule more. Or heck, a relaxing bubble bath, filled with lavender along with a good book could do the trick. Find a go-to stress reliever to help maintain not only your sanity but your blood sugars.
Be Strong! Be a Dia-Beast and Dia-BEAT-it!!!!!
This was a very good article. Diabetes runs in my family (paternal side) and though I do not have it, I’m very aware of the heredity factor. I think your tips are great for prevention as well. Thank you!
Thank you for your kind words Theresa. Stay healthy and happy!!